Monday, January 14, 2008

The Tyler’s – a terrible holiday

The Tyler’s – a terrible holiday

Characters: Brian, Diane, Mr Tyler, Amy

Scene One:

It’s the beginning of the holidays in Springfield.
Brian Tyler comes home from school, he seems happy because the holidays have begun.Diane is already at home. Brian’s dad is lying on the sofa.

Brian: Hi dad, hi Diane.

Diane & Dad: Hi Brian.

Brian shows his dad his class test.

Dad: What an E again? You are stupid.

Brian: But dad! That was a mishap.

Dad: So, you will learn the whole time now and you won’t meet your friends.

Brian: But dad!

Dad: Don’t but me.

Brian: Well, it’s ok.

Dad: I hope it is. Now, go to your room.

Scene Two:

In Brian’s room.

Diane: You are such a poor boy and very silly.

Brian: Don’t make me angry, sister.

Diane laughs.

Diane: You stink.

Brian: Shut up.

Mr. Tyler comes in.

Dad: Don’t fight, you two.

Diane: I haven’t done anything.

Dad: Brian, come here!

Brian: Why?! But Diane should come, too.

Dad: Ok, you two.

Diane: Why? I haven’t done anything.

Dad: Shut up and come here.

The two come and see him.

Dad: Who started it?

Diane: It was Brian!

Brian: But….

Dad: BRIAN!!!! That’s enough. You aren’t just silly, you are impertinent, too. You’ll study four hours every day!

Brian: Oh, dad ….

Dad: Brian! Do it or you’ll be sorry.

Brian: And Diane?!

Dad: Diane, do your homework.

Diane: That’s so stupid, dad is so strict.

Brian: …..English … maths… that’s all stupid. I hate school.

Scene Three:

Four hours later.

Brian: Dad, I’m finished.

Dad: Ok, and tomorrow you will study another 4 hours.
And that’s every day till you are good at school.

Brian: Oh, dad, that’s awful.

Dad: But it’s for your own good.

Scene Four:

In front of the house.

Diane: Hi Amy.

Amy: Hi Diane. Everything alright?

Diane: Yes it is. And…

Dad: Diane! Come in. It’s time to eat.

Diane: Oh, I must go now.. Bye.

Amy: Bye

Scene Five:

At the dinner table.

Dad: Brian. If you study every day, you’ll be better soon.

Diane: Dad. Can I meet Amy after dinner tomorrow, please?

Dad: Yes, you can.

Diane: Thanks dad.

Brian: Could I watch the World Cup tomorrow, please?

Dad: No. Brian, you’ve got to learn a lot.

Brian: But dad, this isn’t fair.

Dad: Of course it isn’t fair.

Diane: Oh, I think it is fair, you’re writing nothing but bad marks.

Brian: Shut up, I hate you!

Dad: Shut up you two! Go to bed, now!

Diane: But I don’t have to go to the bed yet.


Brian: You suck.

Dad: You have to do what I tell you!

Scene Six:

Brian and Diane are alone in their room.

Brian: Dad is very silly.

Diane: No, dad is the best man in the world, but you are terrible.
And I’m the best.

Brian: No… you are just good at school, because you study every day, I haven’t got the time for this. I have a real life, but you haven’t got a real life.
You are a nerd.

Diane: Oh, I’m a nerd but you are an idiot.

Brian: Shut up, you silly nerd.

Diane: Oh, oh, oh, this wasn’t very clever. Dad!!!

Dad comes in.

Dad: What happened?

Diane: Brain has insulted me.

Brian: That isn’t true.

Dad: Don’t lie Brian!!! Enough for today. Now go to bed, you two!

Diane: Ok.

Brian: No!

Dad: Brian!

Brian: Ok. I’ll go to bed and sleep but only if I can watch the World Cup tomorrow!

Dad: Sleep or you’ll be sorry.

Brian: Ok Dad.

Scene Seven:

The next morning

Brian phones his friends

Brian: Hello, I can’t come today, because I have to learn. Ok, thank you, bye!

He dials again.

Brian: Hello guys! No, I am not fine. I can’t meet you today because I have to learn. Thank you very much. Ok, bye. Good luck!

Scene Eight:

Dad: Brian, stop! You have to study, don’t go outside.

Brian: No I will go out. I need new books for school.

Dad: Ok but you will be back by 6 o’clock. No, just joking. You’ll stay here.

Brian: But Dad, this isn’t fair.

Dad: Be quiet!

Brian: What do you mean?

Dad: Oh, you will see that soon.

Scene Nine:

Five minutes later.

Diane: Hi Dad, I am back from shopping.

Dad: Hi Diane, ok that‘s good. Brian, come on. You have to study for another
sixty minutes.

Brian: Dad, when I am ready, can I go out to meet friends, please?

Dad: No, but you could take another book to study.

Brian: But Dad, two hours a day are enough!

Dad: You learn for life and not for me or for the teacher. I don´t have to remind you of your bad marks, do I?

Brian: No Dad, you haven’t got to. But I can’t concentrate!

Dad: You will learn to do that, too!

Scene Ten:

Diane leaves the house.

Diane: Hi Amy, everything ok with you?

Amy: Hello Diane, yes it is. And what about you?

Diane: I am ok. But my brother gets on my nerves.

Amy: What does he do?

Diane: He does stupid things and he always writes bad marks. And…

Amy: Oh I understand. You hate him, don’t you?

Diane: Yes that’s right. And what’s going on in the gang?

Amy: Oh it’s all right.

Diane: Are looking for new members?

Amy: Do you want to join?

Diane: Yes, I would like to.

Amy: Hmm, I don’t know what the others would say, but I can ask them.

Scene Eleven:

Diane: Hi Dad, hi Brian, I am back.

Dad: Hi Diane… Brian, how much longer do you have to study?

Brian: Just 5 minutes

Dad: And what about your job? Have you found anything?

Brian: No, but I will have a job soon.

Dad: I hope it for you. Don’t forget it .You know what will happen if not … right?

Brian: Yes Dad, I know.

Diane: Dad can I meet my friend Amy in thirty minutes?

Dad: Yes Diane you can. And you, Brian, look for a job.

Brian: Ok Dad.

Scene Twelve:

Diane: Hi Amy, have you asked the others? Can I join?

Amy: Hi Diane you know that’s not so easy. Before you can join you must take a test.

Diane: What kind of a test do you mean?

Amy: You must show us that you are brave.

Diane: Ok but what do I have to do?

Amy: You have to steal your father’s wallet.

Diane: My father’s wallet?

Amy: It´s your choice: steal and join or don’t steal and don’t join.

Diane: Ok, ok Amy I will do it.

Amy: I knew that you would do it. It is better to do it when everybody is sleeping.
When you have got it, we will meet in front of the house, ok?

Diane. Ok Amy. Bye.

Amy: Bye and don’t forget it.

Diane: Of course I won’t forget it.

Scene Thirteen:

Diane:Hi Dad.

Dad: Hi Diane.

(Just then Brian comes home.)

Brian: Hi Dad, hi Diane.

Dad: Hi Brian, ok, let’s go to bed.

Scene Fourteen:

Everybody’s sleeping.

Diane: No one here? Good.

Diane is near her dad’s wallet.

Diane: I am not sure. Should I do that? Shouldn’t I do that? What if Dad finds out that I did it? I know. Brian has to take the blame.

Diane steals the wallet and goes outside. There Amy is waiting.

Amy: Hi Diane. Have you got the wallet?

Diane: Yes. Here it is.

Amy: Fine. I will ask the others. Now go to bed. Bye. Tomorrow we will meet
here after school. Ok?

Diane: Ok. Bye.

Scene Fifteen:

In the next morning Mr. Tyler is getting dressed. When he puts on his jacket, he can’t find his wallet.

Dad: Oh no!

Diane: What happened Dad?

Dad: Someone has stolen my wallet. How could it be? Who was it? I want
to hear answers!

Diane: Well I can imagine that it was Brian, because he has to give
you a lot of money, doesn’t he?

Dad: Yes it must be Brian. He is the thief!

Mr Tyler goes to Brian’s bedroom.

Dad: Brian! Tell me where you have put my wallet! I know that you are the thief!

Brian: But what wallet are you talking about? I don’t know what happened.

Dad: Don’t lie ! I will ask you just one more time: Where is my wallet?

Diane: Brian, why you don’t tell him where it is?

Brian: But I don’t know where it is because I don’t know what you want to tell me. I haven’t got a wallet.

Dad: You don’t want to say where it is, do you? If you don’t want to say it you will study four hours every day and you won’t do a job.

Brian: But Dad that’s not fair.

Dad: It is Brian, it is. And now go to school, you two!

Scene Fifteen:

At school during the break.

Diane: Hi Amy. Can I join now?

Amy: Hi. The others think that you can join. But not today and not here. You know that we must be sure that no one sees it, all right?

Diane: All right Amy. But where will we meet?

Amy: A good place is in front of your house, but when everybody is sleeping, ok?

Diane: Ok Amy I will be there.

Scene Sixteen:

In front of the house.

Diane: Amy, can I join now. There is no one here who can see us.

Amy: Wait and listen to me. I want to say thank you very much for your good help. The gang needed money and you gave us money.

Diane: I don´t understand. What do you mean?

Amy: I mean that you are very silly. No one would steal his father’s wallet. But you have done that.

Diane: I have just one question: Can I join now?

Amy: Ha, you are really very silly. My answer is: No!

Diane: Oh, you, I hate you!

Amy: You can hate me but I got what I wanted to have.

Diane: Oh, we will see who laughs last!

Scene seventeen:

The next morning in Mr. Tyler’s room.

Diane: Wake up Dad, I must tell you something important!

Dad: Good morning Diane, what’s going on?

Diane: I have stolen your wallet, because I wanted to join a gang, but they just used me. I hope you can forgive me.

Dad: Maybe, but tell me who has got my wallet?

Diane: Amy.

Dad: Hm, that’s a problem…

Brian: I could help if you want.

Dad: Ok, you two stop Amy after school. Then you two retrieve my wallet. If a teacher comes and Amy should lie, you two say that the wallet is mine and if she doesn´t believe you, you two say that the teacher can phone me. All right?

Diane & Brian: Ok Dad, we will do as you say.

Scene eighteen:

After school.

Diane: Hi Amy, what are you doing here so alone?

Amy: Hey, the stupid girl. What do you want?

Just at this moment Brian comes, snatches the handbag from Amy, with the wallet and runs away.

Amy: Hey, give me my handbag back, you thief!

Brian and Diane run home. Amy follows them.

Scene nineteen:

In front of the house Mr. Tyler is waiting. Then Brian and Diane appear and Amy, too.

Dad: Aha, you must be Amy. Then this is all just your fault, isn’t it?

Amy: Oh no, that’s just Diane’s fault. She is the thief, not I. She has stolen your wallet and my handbag, too.

Dad: Don´t lie. I know everything. I will report you to the police.

Amy: Oh no, please don´t. I will do all you want. But please don´t do that!

Dad: Never ever do this again and everything will be ok!

Amy: Ok, I will do what you say.

Amy leaves.

Dad: Let’s go home. Now everything is alright..

Diane: Not it isn´t. Without Brian it wouldn’t be ok. Can you forgive me, please?

Brian: Yes, I can. Now we will be a good team.

Diane: Yes, we will. Forever!

Written by Malte Kilzer, Nadine Exner, Philipp Leopold, Marvin Czichy (8C).
of Städtische Realschule Kastanienallee Velbert-Germany

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