Saturday, January 19, 2008


N or Nar =narrator



Alimehmet is Father of the family..
Osman is son of Alimehmet and Fatmagül
Narenciye is friend of Osman
Güllü is the lier friend of Osman

1st Scene

Osman:I’m coming.

Ahmet: Ok welcome. Let’s study your lesson.

Osman: Please i need 30 min.’s Im very tired.

FatmaGül:Nooooooo!! Nonstop my stupid child.

Alimehmet: Your mother is right. Hmmmmm…I
remember. What score did you do on German Exam.

Osman: Sorry dad…F… L

A.M.: Nooooo come on.. It is not real.

Osman: I’m sorry but it is true L

Tomorrow Morning

N:While Osman was saying “I dont understand” The bell rang.

Güllü: Dont worry you will pass The German Exam

Narenciye:Stop I can teach you about these units…

Osman: Maybe later…

After School

O:I’m coming

Alimehmet:Your teacher called me and told about your naughtiness.

O: Oh then….

2nd Scene

O: My father always shouts at me. But I study all the time. I will leave this house. I will go to Narenciye’s house

Narrator: Osman went to Narenciye’s house and told his problem to Narenciye.

Narenciye: Stay here for one day and then I will talk to your parents.


A.M.: Wake up my lazy child
Fatmagül: Osmannnnn!! WAKE UPPP

AliMehmet:Oh dear FatmaGül… Osman isn’t here..

Fatmagül: What!!??

A.M.:I will call police..

Fatmagül:Hurry Up..

Osman: Narenciye We will escape this town.

Na: Nooo I said my mother and father… You are in safety here …Mr Alimehmet

Narrator:Later… “I lose my child “said Alimehmet and he cried.

Narenciye: Yes I give information about this.

Alimehmet: Yes !?

Narenciye: Osman stayed in our house..


Güllü: This is not true!.. I saw Osman escaped from this town.

Naren.: Nooooo Osman is here Güllü is telling lie..

G.: NOOO Im telling the truth !

Narrator: Everybody went to Narenciye’s house.

3rd Scene

Osman:I’ll escape!

Police: I caught him. There is your child

Alimehmet: Osmannnn

Fatmagül: Osmannnnn

Alimehmet: Ohh my son I missed you so much.

Fatmagül: Me too

Osman: My father… Can I tell you smth.
When I leave house , I saw a young man.. He asked me Are you bugger?? I said “ NOO “ And ı escaped ..

Alimehmet: Really ??

Osman: Yes…

Narenciye: I’m going Osman Bye Bye.

Osman: Bye Bye

4th Scene

Narrator: Then Osman Looks at the bird in the sky and a car shot his body.

Osman: OhhhhHHhHH

A.M:NO my child

Fatmagül:Oh my god.

Fatmagül: Quickly call the ambulance!!

5th Scene

Narrator:In hospital.


Doctor:Your child lost his memory.

Osman:Who are you?

Fatmagül: I’m your mother.

Osman: Who am I?

AliMehmet: You’re Osman.

Narrator: Suddenly ,an object fell on Osman’s head

Osman: Yes,I remembered I’m Osman.He’s my father she’s my mother.

6th Scene

A.M.:Lets go our home.

Fatmagül:Dont forget to pay the bill.

A.M.:Nooo!!!The bill is very expensive.

Osman = I’m so sorry my dad.I know It’s really my fault.

A.M= DONT WORRY.The hospital bill only 500$
This is very expensive!!...

Osman =I know dad. Dont worry. I will be sucsessful this math exam.

Nar= exam day. Ali went home and tell his exam

Osman I’m coming dad

A.M=Welcome. What did you get from the exam?

Osman= A

Fatmagül= that’s cool Osman.

A.M= I love you so much Osman.

Nar=After that day .He was sucsessful Everything he did .

Written by :Berkay KANDEMİR, Mehmet TELLİOĞLU, Ulaş ÇALLAK, Gönenç KURPINAR
of Özel Izmir Bilge Ata Okullari-Turkey

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